Ignition coil showing the wires for the sake of putting it all back together.Ignition coil showing the wires for the sake of putting it all back together.The top of the coil.A very nice wiring block for the coil.Removing the exhaust from the block.Getting pretty bare on the drivers sideRemove the nuts and bolts from the exhaust mounting bracketsThe mechanical fuel pump.Exhaust removedOil Pressure sensorOil pressure sensorThe wires leading to the back of the generator.Wires to the alternator.Wires to the alternator.The nuts of the studs to the mounting bracket of the generator.Bottom radiator hoseTop Radiator hose. Note the old school hose clamps. Crazy.Make sure you have your bucket and towels ready even if you have drained the coolant. There is a little more in the pump.There is a bracket for the fan shroud that bolts on to the water pump.The gas vapor filter has just two bolts that keeps it mounted to the side of the engine compartment.Top radiator hose with the top of the thermostat housing still attached.With the water pump out of the way it is easy to get to the radiator.Take off the overflow hose to the reservoir then the four bolts holding the radiator to the firewall. Note the jack with the board supporting the weight of the engine.Make sure you get this hose at the bottom of the radiator off before you try to remove the radiator. I didn’t and had to juggle the radiator in one hand and remove the hose with the other. This is looking down the backside of the freed radiator.So that is how the air circulates around the radiator.The only thing left is the starter and the block itself.The starter unit.The opening to the tranny for the starter.Starter wires for the sake of putting it all back together.More starter wiring.There was a grounding wire between the engine/transmission and the body of the car behind the radiator.Starter wiring.Most of the components removed from the engine compartment. Everything needs cleaned and painted.Nothing left in the engine compartment but the engine block.
The Fiat 850 Project
The Fiat 850 Project is a chronicle of the restoration process of a 1971 Fiat 850 Sport Spider. I use a combination of my own images and images/tables/logos I found on the internet while I was doing research. If you own one of these images, please let me know and I will credit you or take it down.