Junkyard Find: 1971 Fiat 850 Sport Spider

550x412xDOTJ-71_Fiat_800-03-550x412.jpg.pagespeed.ic.yc1V_zonk2By  on October 12, 2011

Imagine, this tiny Italian sports car hanging on long enough to evade the junkyard until the second decade of the 21st century! We have no way of knowing how many of its 40 years were spent as a “get to it someday” project car, under a tarp in a side yard, but it doesn’t have the weeds-and-mouse-poop look of a car that spent many years outdoors. I found this little jewel in the same Denver self-serve yard that gave us this ’79 Alfa Romeo Sport Sedan.

See the whole Story on the truth about cars website.

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